So I've been reading quite a bit of the Strobist web site and I must say, David Hobby is one solid dude. I have learned so much over the last year. Here is an example of some cross lighting using a flashlight and a strobe.
Basically, I set up the LED flashlight to shine through the swans from camera right. I was getting some distracting background light so I grabbed a bit of black construction paper and set it up behind. This is when I noticed the shadows and said to myself, "Why didn't I think of that?" So I got the positioning just right, popped a couple tests and decided I needed some more defining light. Call in the Pentax 360FGZ on 1/32 power! I set it up to shoot almost directly back towards the flashlight for a nice cross effect. The most important thing, though, was to control the spill. I laid the flash on its back and used the built in deflector to keep the light from grazing the glass table. I also made sure it was not spilling onto the background and placed a gobo between the light and the camera to avoid flare.
So, what would I do different? Well, I could have place the swans in a way that they formed a heart on the backdrop, but, maybe I'll save that one for Valentine's Day. I guess I could have used a smaller aperture to make both the doves as sharp as possible too.
28 September, 2008
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